Sign The Contract

Send a message to the Legislature that you support the Contract with Texas!

To Reform the House of Representatives and Select a Real Republican Speaker

Texans expect and demand more from us. These changes will allow us to respond to their challenges, and we intend to fulfill our promise to our constituents—the promise to reform the Texas House.

The Contract Explained

Mitch Little, Brian Harrison, and Nate Schatzline sit down with Sara Gonzales to discuss the #ContractWithTexas.

In the News

The Contract With Texas is moving the agenda in Texas politics, and the press is taking notice.

Why I signed the contract.

Listen to the candidates themselves explain why they signed the Contract With Texas.

Candidates Who Signed

Has your candidate signed the Contract With Texas?

Brent Money

Brian Harrison

Trey Wharton

Steve Toth

Janis Holt

Matt Morgan

A. J. Louderback

Katrina Pierson

J. M. Lozano

Alan Schoolcraft

Wes Virdell

Helen Kerwin

Mike Olcott

Keresa Richardson

Shelley Luther

Andy Hopper

Mitch Little

Don McLaughlin

David Lowe

Nate Schatzline

Tony Tinderholt

Candidates Who Have Not Signed

Gary VanDeaverHD1

Counties: Bowie, Cass, Lamar, Morris, Red River

Cecil Bell Jr. HD3

Counties: Montgomery (part)

Keith Bell HD4

Counties: Henderson (part), Kaufman

Cole Hefner HD5

Counties: Camp, Rains, Smith (part), Titus, Upshur, Wood

Matt Schaefer HD6

Counties: Smith (part)

Jay Dean HD7

Counties: Gregg, Harrison, Marion

Cody Harris HD8

Counties: Montgomery (part)

Trent Ashby HD9

Counties: Angelina, Houston, Polk, San Augustine, Trinity, Tyler)

Travis Clardy HD11

Counties: Nacogdoches, Newton, Panola, Rusk, Sabine, Shelby

Angelia OrrHD13

Counties: Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Leon, Limestone, McLennan (part)

John N. Raney HD14

Counties: Brazos (part)

Will Metcalf HD16

Counties: Montgomery (part)

Stan Gerdes HD17

Counties: Bastrop, Burleson, Caldwell, Lee, Milam

Ellen Troxclair HD19

Counties: Blanco, Burnet, Gillespie, Kendall, Travis (part)

Terry Wilson HD20

Counties: Williamson (part)

Dade Phelan HD21

Counties: Jasper, Galveston (part)

Terri Leo-Wilson HD23

Counties: Chambers, Galveston (part)

Greg Bonnen HD24

Counties: Galveston (part)

Cody Vasut HD25

Counties: Brazoria (part)

Gary GatesHD28

Counties: Fort Bend (part)

Ed Thompson HD29

Counties: Brazoria (part)

Ryan Guillen HD31

Counties: Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Karnes, Kenedy, La Salle,
Live Oak, McMullen, Starr, Wilson, Zapata

Todd Ames Hunter HD32

Counties: Aransas, Nueces (part)

Janie Lopez HD37

Counties: Cameron (part), Willacy

Caroline Harris HD52

Counties: Williamson (part)

Brad Buckley HD54

Counties: Bell (part)

Hillary Hickland HD55

Counties: Bell (part)

Pat Curry HD56

Counties: McLennan (part)

Richard HayesHD57

Counties: Denton (part)

Shelby Slawson HD59

Counties: Coryell, Erath, Hamilton, Hood

Ben Bumgarner HD63

Counties: Denton (part)

Matt Shaheen HD66

Counties: Collin (part)

Jeff Leach HD67

Counties: Collin (part)

David Spiller HD68

Counties: Brown, Cooke, Eastland, Jack, Lampasas, Mills, Montague,
San Saba,Shackelford, Throckmorton, Young)

James Frank HD71

Counties: Callahan, Jones, Nolan, Taylor

Greg Bonnen HD72

Counties: Coke, Coleman, Concho, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Reagan,
Runnels, Sterling, Tom Green

Carrie Isaac HD73

Counties: Comal, Hays (part)

Dustin Burrows HD83

Counties: Borden, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Kent, Lubbock,
Lynn, Mitchell, Scurry, Terry

Carl Tepper HD84

Counties: Lubbock (part)

Stan Kitzman HD85

Counties: Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Fort Bend (part), Waller, Wharton

John T. Smithee HD86

Counties: Armstrong, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Hartley, Oldham, Parmer, Randall

Caroline Fairly HD87

Counties: Carson, Hansford, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochilitree, Potter, Sherman

Ken King HD88

Counties: Coke, Coleman, Concho, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Reagan,
Runnels, Sterling, Tom Green

Candy Noble HD89

Counties: Collin (part)

David Cook HD96

Counties: Tarrant (part)

Giovanni Capriglione HD98

Counties: Tarrant (part)

Charlie Geren HD99

Counties: Tarrant (part)

Jared Patterson HD106

Counties: Denton (part)

Morgan Meyer HD108

Counties: Dallas (part)

Angie Chen Button HD112

Counties: Dallas (part)

John Lujan HD118

Counties: Bexar (part)

Steve Allison HD121

Counties: Bexar (part)

Mark Dorazio HD121

Counties: Collin (part)

Sam Harless HD126

Counties: Harris (part)

Charles Cunningham HD127

Counties: Harris (part)

Briscoe Cain HD128

Counties: Harris (part)

Dennis Paul HD129

Counties: Harris (part)

Tom Oliverson HD130

Counties: Harris (part)

Mike Schofield HD132

Counties: Harris (part)

Mano DeAyala HD133

Counties: Harris (part)

Lacey Hull HD138

Counties: Harris (part)

Valoree Swanson HD150

Counties: Harris (part)

What is the Contract with Texas?


Texas voters have repeatedly elected Republicans to serve as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, every state-wide office, and given Republicans huge majorities in both the Texas House and the Texas Senate.

However, for far too long, Republican Speakers of the Texas House have centralized power to themselves, which renders individual Texans without effective representation and colluded with Democrats to advance progressive policies and stop Republican priorities.

The House’s most recent session was marked by obstruction, dysfunction, and a lack of fundamental fairness in application of the House’s Rules, and this cannot continue. The message of last month’s primaries was self-evident and sent a clear message that business as usual is not acceptable.

The future of our state is on the line, and, with an out of control federal government that seeks to undermine our borders, the Constitution, and our freedoms, Texas must lead by example.  As conservative Republican members and prospective members of the Texas House, we are committed to reforming it from a body of liberal dysfunction to a body that more faithfully serves Texas voters, and it is time for new leadership in the Texas House.

To keep the promises we’ve made to Texas voters we, the undersigned, expect the next Speaker of the House to advance the cause of liberty and adhere, at a minimum, to the following reforms to improve the integrity, transparency, and efficiency of the House:

  1. Only solicit support for Speakership from Republican members

  2. End the practice of awarding Democrats with committee chairmanships

  3. Ensure all GOP legislative priorities receive a floor vote before any Democrat bills

  4. Replace the current liberal Parliamentarians with staff committed to only offering advice on adherence to House rules, not to advancing their personal ideology

  5. Limit the Speaker to two terms to reduce their power over individual members

  6. Ensure there are no longer any Democrat-majority committees

  7. Stop parliamentary abuse by requiring only substantial adherence to House rules to keep hyper-technical points of order from killing good legislation

  8. Allow audio/video recording of all House proceedings, including point of order debates

  9. Start substantive work as soon as Session begins to end delays that kill priority legislation

  10. Reform the Calendars Committee to increase transparency and accountability

  11. Select a Republican as Speaker Pro Tempore

  12. Decentralize power by prohibiting the distribution of political funds from the Speaker